Learn to Reach Your World - Episode 1

January 2, 2025
Learn to Reach Your World - Episode 1

The podcast, Learning to Reach Your World, hosted by Josh Combs, is a Christian podcast aimed at encouraging and equipping listeners to boldly and clearly share the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this heartfelt and powerful first episode, Josh interviews Donny Gushen, a guest whose life story illustrates the urgency and importance of spreading the message of the gospel with family, friends, and those around us. The episode centers on themes of faith, grief, hope, and the transformative power of the gospel.

The podcast begins with Josh defining the gospel, emphasizing its core message of salvation through Jesus Christ, based on John 3:16 and Romans 10:9:
"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (ESV). Donny and Josh highlight that sharing this message of hope is vital because it has eternal implications.

Donny's Story: Faith and Loss
Donny recounts a deeply personal and emotional testimony involving the birth and loss of his second son, David, and how that experience profoundly shaped his faith and commitment to sharing the gospel:

The Birth of a Miracle
In 2015, Donny’s five-year-old son, Carlos, prayed for a brother, and soon after, his wife became pregnant. Carlos, with childlike faith, believed God had answered his prayer and was confident the baby would be a boy. The pregnancy unfolded with excitement, but complications arose during delivery. Baby David was born with severe medical issues. Despite the family’s prayers and hopes for a miracle, David only lived for 17 days before passing away.

Prayer and Wrestling with God
Donny shares moments of wrestling with God in the hospital, questioning why this tragedy was happening after fervent prayers had been answered with the baby’s birth. He referenced passages he had taught in Sunday school, such as the father in John whose son was healed by Jesus, and felt the Holy Spirit challenging him: "Did you mean what you said about trusting God fully?" Donny responded, "Yes, Lord, I meant it."
As Donny and his family walked through grief, he testified to having peace despite devastating pain. He clung to the promise that David was safe with Jesus and that they would be reunited one day (referencing Psalm 23).

Gospel Opportunities Through Grief
Donny and his wife consistently encountered doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff who were moved by their peace and faith. Some explicitly asked, "How do you have such peace?" This opened doors for Donny and his family to share the gospel message with unbelievers, planting seeds of hope even in the midst of their sorrow.

The funeral for Baby David became another unexpected platform for gospel proclamation. It was packed with family, friends, coworkers, and even hospital staff, many of whom heard the gospel through Donny’s testimony, a poem he wrote, and the Christ-centered service. In Donny’s words, everything about the situation—though tragic—pointed back to God’s power and glory.

Young Carlos’s Journey of Faith
Donny shares about his son Carlos’s spiritual journey throughout this ordeal. Carlos struggled to reconcile the loss of his newborn brother with his understanding of God’s goodness. One night, Carlos admitted he didn’t feel peace about David’s passing, but after hearing his father explain his own peace—rooted in knowing David was with Jesus—Carlos said, "I guess I have peace now too."
In April 2016, Carlos asked to receive Christ as his Savior in a heartfelt prayer. Over the next years, he grew in his faith and eventually was baptized on Easter Sunday at age 11, publicly proclaiming his commitment to Jesus.

A Lesson in Why We Share the Gospel
The hosts tie Donny’s story to the overarching theme of the episode: why Christians must share the gospel. The gospel brings hope, assurance, and eternal perspective. It provides an anchor for the soul in times of joy and sorrow. Donny’s story illustrates how God uses our trials and grief to display His power and to draw people closer to Him. Whether through words, actions, or simply the peace of His presence in difficult seasons, Christians are called to reflect "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27).
The episode ends with a direct challenge: “Go today and share the gospel with someone.”

Questions from the Podcast
Why is it important for Christians to share the gospel?
How do we share hope with those who are struggling with doubt, fear, or grief?
What does it mean to have peace and assurance in Christ despite life’s uncertainties?
How can Christians display Christ’s hope even in personal trials? 
