Read Nehemiah 13.

  1. When has it been hard for you to keep a promise or commitment?
  2.  Why was it important to exclude people of foreign descent from the Jewish nation? In that situation, why wasn’t this narrow-minded and unloving?
  3. Think about what Eliashib, the priest, did. What might be something similar that someone might do wrong today?
  4. What other abuses did Nehemiah have to clean up?
  5. Why was it such a big deal that people were buying and selling on the Sabbath?
  6. The people had broken their covenant promises from chapter 10. How did Nehemiah respond to the people’s broken promises? Why? What do his responses tell you about Nehemiah?
  7. What might the Jewish people have done to protect themselves from breaking so many of their promises?
  8. How can we prepare ourselves for a lifetime of obedience? How can we guard ourselves against breaking promises or our covenants with God?