The main hero image

Why, God? The 4 Most Important Truths
By Pastor Josh Combs

Did God forget me? Is God mad at me?
Is God even listening? Is God even real?

Have you ever wondered…

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why did this happen? Why me? Why my family?

Why didn’t God show up and stop this catastrophe?

Those are some heavy and often heartbreaking questions. The reality is that there are no simple or easy answers, but there are answers. So, if you are ready to wrestle with mystery and find truth in the middle of a trial, this book is for you.

Whatever storm you are facing or soul-searching questions you may have, these four truths can strengthen, sustain, and carry you through. They will be an anchor in the waves of grief, a firm foundation in an ever-changing world, the framework for a truly Biblical worldview, and peace when things go wrong.

The 4 Most Important Truths

In April 2018, I was headed down to Orlando for a unique speaking opportunity. I was essentially serving as a chaplain/motivational speaker (all I can picture is Chris Farley on SNL) for a mission team serving at Give Kids the World. If you are unfamiliar with this place, it is quite remarkable. It is a resort specially designed for families with children who have a life-threatening or terminal illness. It’s a beautiful place, but it’s also a place of deep pain.

As I prayed through how to equip the team with what to feel and, when given the opportunity, what to say, I came back to the four truths. The challenge of making these concepts memorable and transferable was a bit daunting, but I had an idea. In our modern culture of text, we have our own version of hieroglyphics. We just call them emojis. I searched through my iPhone to find four symbols that could help communicate and remind the team of these truths. Here’s what I used.

• God is in Complete Control
• All Things Exist for God’s Glory
• God’s Ways Are Not My Ways
• God Loves Me

I called a friend and had them printed on a simple bracelet. The response was incredible. What started with a life-changing conversation became a bracelet designed to help equip a mission team. Now, years later, a book. My hope is that you’ll read the book and wear the bracelet. Not for some branding nonsense, but because I believe we need a daily reminder of who God truly is.

God is in Complete Control
God is in Complete Control
All Things Exist for God’s Glory
All Things Exist for God’s Glory
God’s Ways Are Not My Ways
God’s Ways Are Not My Ways
God Loves Me
God Loves Me